Monday 21 March 2011

Birthday Cupcakes

Hello! Been away for ages, thought I would just have a catch up with some cakes I made today.
As Easter is coming up I will be making plenty of treats for the family over the Easter weekend so watch this space! I am also having a Royal Wedding party so will be making lots of quintessentially British treats for that too.  Anyway, back to my latest baking session...

As it is my lovely Mam's birthday tomorrow I decided to treat her to some cupcakes! I couldn't decide between making vanilla or chocolate so went for a batch of both!

I decided to try something new for the chocolate ones and top them with white chocolate ganache. I have never made this with white chocolate before but I have to say it worked really well and is so easy to make, and it tastes out of this world!!! After topping with the ganache I decided it was maybe a good idea to top it off with something a little healthy and I always think a simple strawberry on top looks really cute and effective.

For the vanilla sponge I decided to fill them with strawberry jam, I do this simply by cutting a cone shape out of the top of the cake, slapping a bit of jam in and popping the top back on! I then topped it with a home made pink strawberry butter icing and of course, sprinkles!!!