Sunday 9 September 2012

Old Romantic

Love Letters Of Great Men - Definitely worth a read for all you old romantic types!

Monday 21 March 2011

Birthday Cupcakes

Hello! Been away for ages, thought I would just have a catch up with some cakes I made today.
As Easter is coming up I will be making plenty of treats for the family over the Easter weekend so watch this space! I am also having a Royal Wedding party so will be making lots of quintessentially British treats for that too.  Anyway, back to my latest baking session...

As it is my lovely Mam's birthday tomorrow I decided to treat her to some cupcakes! I couldn't decide between making vanilla or chocolate so went for a batch of both!

I decided to try something new for the chocolate ones and top them with white chocolate ganache. I have never made this with white chocolate before but I have to say it worked really well and is so easy to make, and it tastes out of this world!!! After topping with the ganache I decided it was maybe a good idea to top it off with something a little healthy and I always think a simple strawberry on top looks really cute and effective.

For the vanilla sponge I decided to fill them with strawberry jam, I do this simply by cutting a cone shape out of the top of the cake, slapping a bit of jam in and popping the top back on! I then topped it with a home made pink strawberry butter icing and of course, sprinkles!!!

Sunday 18 July 2010

Baking Day

Spent a Saturday with my 3 year old nephew who loves to bake so we decided to make a few batches of cupcakes and mini victoria sponges. Yummy!

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Raspberry Cupcakes

After the success of the engagement cakes I decided to play around making other cupcakes as I think they are so fun to make. I eventually came up with these really cute raspberry cupcakes. I actually got the idea when I was out for coffee and cake with a friend, we had some fantastic raspberry cupcakes and I really wanted to recreate them. They are so yummy, I've made a few batches to give to friends and everyone has asked for more!!! I love the pretty paink frosting, they have gone down a storm! The white chocolate shavings on the top go down well too!

Engagement cakes

My mam and I were asked to make the cakes for my sister's engagement party. Her wedding colour scheme is burgundy and ivory and she wanted to set the theme in her engagement cakes. She wanted one large cake and about 100 cup cakes. My mam was in charge of the main heart cake and I took on the cup cakes (my speciality). The cakes were vanilla sponge and the red frosting was strawberry flavour and the ivory frosting was vanilla. Everyone went mad for them and they were a complete hit!